Since the slow rhythm of sunrise and sunset cannot be ignored on the Moon, the calendar should be organized around it.
In her recent article in the first issue of Moon Miner’s REVUE: “Some Preliminary Considerations for Lunar Agriculture”, MLRS member Louise Rachel brought up the topic of animal life. Red worms in composting trays; honey bees and nectar sipping bats for pollination duty, honey, and guano; fish and chickens were mentioned as early contributors to […]
This definition of month would seem irrelevant to anyone living on the Farside from which Earth was never visible
What does power generation on the Moon have to do with software? We’ll soon see. Perhaps the most commonly proposed source of power for an initial Lunar Base whose requirements are in the 100-1000 kilowatt range, is a form of fast compact nuclear reactor such as is being developed in the SP-100 Program for space […]
A new environment, the middoors, has become familiar to most of us in the form of the enclosed, climate-controlled streets and plazas
Why do space enthusiasts continue to espouse and settle for developments which are NOT ON THE ROAD to ultimate goals?
From Apollo samples we might expect every thousand tons of soil processed to yield one ton of hydrogen, 230 lbs. of carbon, and even 164 lbs. of nitrogen